Ida Township


Please be advised that all flowers and decorations left at all Lulu Road Cemeteries, Red Maple (on Lulu Road) or Maplewood Cemeteries in Ida Township must be removed by Saturday, March 29, 2025. All remaining decorations or flowers placed on graves after this date will be removed and disposed of by the Township Sexton.


Saturday, May 3, 2025 8:00 am- 4:00 pm No tires, tress stumps, or concrete. Demolition debris must be in cans, bags or boxes. Appliance with freon must be drained and properly tagged. No hazardous waste like pain, oil, etc.   NO LOOSE DEBRIS WILL BE ACCEPTED!

Land Division Administrator

Effective 10/1/2024: The Land Division Administrator will now be appointment only. This is to ensure reserving time to answer questions, inquiries, and to review applications without outside interruptions. To schedule an appointment, please call the Assessing Department (734) 269-3045, Rodney Haddix at ext. 203, or Lewis Smith at ext. 204. You can also reach us […]