Ida Township


Contact Information


Kelli Brandjord


Cindy Reuther

Property Tax Information

Summer Tax Collection Dates

Summer tax bills are sent out at the end of June and are payable July 1 through September 14 without penalty or interest. Beginning September 15th a 1% interest charge will be added monthly. Non-deferred payments received February 15 through February 28th will also incur a 3% penalty in addition to monthly interest. Taxes may be paid in person at the Township, by mail, placed in the Township drop box located in front of the building, or at the First Merchant’s Bank Ida branch during regular business hours. Payments received in the mail or placed in the drop box will be issued a receipt if a self-addressed stamped envelope is included.

Summer Tax Deferment

The law provides that beginning September 15, interest will be applied to unpaid summer taxes. However, these taxes may be deferred without penalty until February 14, for any taxpayer who is a senior citizen 62 years or older, totally and permanently disabled or otherwise eligible, whose household income does not exceed $40,000 per year, or is classified or used as agricultural real property and that the gross receipts of agricultural or horticultural operations in the previous year is not less than the household income for the preceding calendar year. Applications can be obtained at our office or via the link on our webpage. Applications must be filled out annually and be returned before September 15.

Winter Tax Collection Dates

Winter Tax Bills are sent out at the end of November and are payable December 1st through February 14th without penalty or interest. Beginning February 15, and through the last day of February, a 3% penalty and 1% interest will be added. Taxes are payable at the township through February 28th. Taxes may be paid in person at the Township, by mail, placed in the Township drop box located in front of the building, or at the First Merchant’s Bank Ida branch during regular business hours. Payments received in the mail or placed in the drop box will be issued a receipt if a self-addressed stamped envelope is included.

Notice to Homeowners with a Mortgage

Each property owner is ultimately responsible for their property tax. If you have an escrow account your mortgage company may request your tax bill. Please contact your mortgage company if you wish to start or stop escrow billing.

Post Mark Notice

Payments postmarked by February 14th are accepted as on-time if received before March 1st each year. Beginning March 1st we can no longer accept tax payments and all unpaid taxes are required to be turned over to the Monroe County Treasurer for delinquent collection.

Please Note

All dates listed above are statutory dates. Actual dates may vary if a due date falls on a weekend or holiday. Please see the back of your tax bill for the most current information.